Hi Keith,
This whole thread will likely cause a minor flame war because desktops, like many things, are a personal preference.
Well, as I said to Jesus (but stupidly sent only to him), that wasn't my intent, all I want to know is why people prefer what they prefer. Certainly I'm beginning to wonder if, by choosing KDE (which I gather is almost Windows-like) I am causing myself more difficulties in switching over because of it being close but not quite (if you get my drift) so I was wondering if a total break to a different I/F might be better.
With that out of the way, let me light my flamethrower...
Let me stand to the side ...
If you are using SuSE, you are likely to get better support and better tested binaries using KDE. This is natural since several KDE developers work for SuSE. It is just a side effect of where SuSE spends more energy, while it is likely to be the reverse with Red Hat since they seem to have more Gnome developers on staff.
Well, you see, there's something I didn't know :-)
For me, I think both projects are spinning a bit out of control, and I've recently switched from KDE to Icewm. It is small, fast, themeable, easy to configure, easy to control, and it doesn't leave 200 DCOP errors on your screen when you shut it down. Of course, you can run KDE or Gnome apps in Icewm, but I only run a few of my favorites. Thank you SuSE for giving us a lot of choices (the latest Red Hat doesn't even include Icewm).
Hmmm ... IceWM isn't on the standard login set so I guess I have to install it ... I'll get back with some comments when I have had a look : -) James James C. Rocks Equant Archway House Canary Wharf London E14 9SZ Phone: 0207-5226856 Fax: 0207-5126087 Mobile Phone: 07771-767405 http://www.equant.com
participants (1)