OK, in KDE, I need to know how to get 2 applets (?) bak on my taskbar: 1. The KPPP dialer that looks like a electrical plug, and 2. The Desktop listing Desktops 1-4 (or however many you use). Lost them playing around. (Blush) Harry G

You can right click on the panel and readd the applets... Right click ---> add ---> applets You should find them there. If you want to try something neat..try this. kstart --alldesktops --skiptaskbar --type dock --ontop "kpager" This makes a stationary transparent bordered kpager. It's really neat. If you start kpager just by executing the file kpager then position it where you want at the size you want..then click on the top window decoration and click save settings..then exit the program. You can type the above in an xterm or wherever and it will start up where you left it but with a transparent border. :) Cheers! * Harry G (harrycg@earthlink.net) [020131 19:35]: ->OK, in KDE, I need to know how to get 2 applets (?) bak on my taskbar: -> ->1. The KPPP dialer that looks like a electrical plug, and -> ->2. The Desktop listing Desktops 1-4 (or however many you use). -> ->Lost them playing around. (Blush) -> -> ->Harry G -> ->-- ->To unsubscribe send e-mail to suse-linux-e-unsubscribe@suse.com ->For additional commands send e-mail to suse-linux-e-help@suse.com ->Also check the FAQ at http://www.suse.com/support/faq and the ->archives at http://lists.suse.com -> -----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====----- Ben Rosenberg mailto:ben@whack.org -----=====-----=====-----=====-----=====----- I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message...

On Thursday 31 January 2002 07:24 pm, Harry G wrote:
OK, in KDE, I need to know how to get 2 applets (?) bak on my taskbar:
1. The KPPP dialer that looks like a electrical plug, and
That's not KPPP it's KInternet and you can restore it to the Taskbar with KMenu>Configure Panel>Add>Button>Internet>KInternet.
2. The Desktop listing Desktops 1-4 (or however many you use).
That's the pager and it's under KMenu>Configure Panel>Add>Applet>Pager. Hope that helps. -- Bryce Hardy (Santa Rosa, CA) brycehdy@sonic.net --->>>"Arbeit Macht Nicht So Frei!"<<<---
participants (3)
Ben Rosenberg
Bryce Hardy
Harry G