Re: [SuSE Linux] Installing SuSE, NT and Win98 in one machine - question

-----Original Message----- From: Daniel Svozil <>
Hi folks,
I plan to install SuSE, WinNT and Win98 at one machine. I do not have much experience with LLinux, so any advice would be appreciated.
I have 6.5 GB HDD andI would like to have the following space for the systems: 3 GB NT 2 GB SuSE rest Win98.
I have a lot questions: 1) How large swap partition to create (64 MB RAM). I've heard, that Linux, NT and Win98 can share one swap partition, is that right? How to manage that?
a 64 MB swap partition should be fine... No they cannot share a swap partition. Linux must have its own dedicated and 98/NT use a swap file on thier own partition.
2) How to repartition HDD. Is it true, that Linux has to be gin underfirst 1024 cylinders? Should I create different partitions for root and the rest? how muchnspace for root partiotion?
If you are using and EIDE/UDMA drive you really don't have to worry about the 1024 thing. I had a 6.4 once and the bios reorganized from 13,453/64/16 (not exact!: cyls/heads/sectors) to 790/255/16. If you're using SCSI then it is a concern. If it is a concern then yes a 100MB root partition separate from the rest. If it is not a concern then it does not matter how you set up your partitions. I personally have two partitions: root & swap...
3) How to proceed during instalation, what install first, how to repartition HDD, using Linux's fdisk?
98 has to be on the first primary partition on the first drive in you system. If it detects a boot loader it will give you some crap message about not being about to use 98 if you are using a boot loader with other OS's. (Gotta love Micro$loth's predatory tactics!) Next put NT, and then Linux. Since NT writes to the first primary partition for some reason during the install you cannot have 98 setup as a fat32 partition. So that limits 98 to <= 2048K. I'd have 2 primary partitions for 98/NT and extended for linux, then you can setup linux partitions anyway you want. I use partition magic to setup my drive along with boot manager.
4) How to choose which system to boot? To use lilo, NT Loader? I have also System Commander 4.0, which was highly recommended to me? Do you have any experience with it? And how to proceed with installing boot manager?
NT load may give the simplest setup. I believe that there will be a boot loader file in the root directory of your C drive (win98) that NT will be looking at for boot setup. you have to modify this. Configure lilo to only boot linux. If you use lilo or some other boot manager, when you boot NT, you will be booting to another boot manager, then loading NT. Know what I mean?....
Please, help me, i am a bit lost!!!!
Good Luck!!
--------------------------------------- Daniel Svozil Deparment of Environmental Sciences University of Plymouth Drake Circus Plymouth Devon PL4 8AA United Kingdom
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