RE: [SLE] Top posting and Outlook Express

Patrick Shanahan <> wrote on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 3:20 PM:
* VANTASSLE, GEORDON M (SBCSI) <> [01-27-04 16:00]:
While it certainly is in the "rights" of the list creators, it's rather stupid to ban someone merely based on the color of their skin... Er, I mean, by the mail client they use. Not everyone has options, particularly in a corporate environment.
Perhaps they should not be using company software and company time to converse on the mail list ???? Everyone has options. They do not have to participate. They can do it at home. and on and on .... -- Patrick Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535 @
Seeing as SUSE-LINUX-E is essentially a support forum (as opposed to OT, where this whole damned conversation SHOULD be going on) and part of my job is helping the company to run a few SuSE servers... Your point is...? Seriously, though, Pat, it really sounds like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Relax. We're all in this together. WE DON'T NEED TO TURN THIS INTO THE GAZA STRIP!

* VANTASSLE, GEORDON M (SBCSI) <> [01-27-04 16:32]:
Seeing as SUSE-LINUX-E is essentially a support forum (as opposed to OT, where this whole damned conversation SHOULD be going on) and part of my job is helping the company to run a few SuSE servers...
Your point is...?
Seriously, though, Pat, it really sounds like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.
a day like all days <sigh>
Relax. We're all in this together. WE DON'T NEED TO TURN THIS INTO THE GAZA STRIP!
You are shouting. I'm not wearing my ear plugs. gud luk, -- Patrick Shanahan Registered Linux User #207535 @
participants (2)
Patrick Shanahan