Re: [SuSE Linux] Install problems

Lee Smallbone wrote:
<snipped for brevity>
So, off came the cover, only to reveal the cd rom is plugged directly into the sound card. Can anyone help me get linux to see and talk to this drive? I have little knowledge of Linux installs and kernels, so please keep your answers simple and step-by-step if anyone has the patience. :-)
Some info: Drive make: unknown (40pin ribbon cable to sound card, id=0) Sound card: SB16 Value
Ah ha! you need to load the sbcd module: from the main menu, select "Kernel Modules" and then "load CDROM Module" (you will need the modules disk). select the sbpcd module (the first one in the list) and all should be fine. -- Sanjay Windows has detected that a gnat has farted near your computer. Press any key to reboot.
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