Tuesday 06 Sep 2005 16:03 samaye The Legion alekhiit:
Well the problem I see here is: 700MB CD-R/RWs are the standard. Here in Nuremberg you don´t get bigger ones in most of the stores.
Well even in India only 700 MB are ubiquitous. I never even knew that 800+ MB CDs existed. I just burn a DVD.
machines without a DVD-drive or Internet connection here. And I think many people out there don´t have a DVD-R/RW drive in their computers.
True. Single CD still has lots of attraction. Which is why I am downloading Knoppix right now for my travels. If I get a SuSE carry-with-you CD I will certainly have chosen that... -- (o- Penguin #395953 lives at http://samvit.org //\ subsisting on ancient Indian wisdom ... V_/_ and modern computing efficiency! :)