I still can't get on www.suse.com 1. I sent a message to my ISP and he tried to get on but he gets no response so he claims it's a problem on the other server site . I can go on any site with no problem. 2. In the past I received about 60 messages from suse-linux-e and now I get 0. I got on www.suse.de/en/ and tried to get on any list. When you try to go on the list it goes to www.suse.com where all the lists are and I get no response. 3. I can't send e-mail to suse. 4. I am using netscape 7 to read my mail and in the inbox there are no messages but if you look at the left panel, there are "16 unread and 1 total". Very strange. When I get new mail and delete all the mail I still have "16 Unread and 1 total". Where are they? Are these lost suse.com messages? 5. Is there any way to forward suse-linux-e messages through suse.de/en/ to my ISP cybercomm.net? Thanks in advance jozien