Hi Patrick, On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 16:47:17 -0500 Patrick Shanahan <.> wrote:
* pelibali <.> [01-25-05 15:35]:
Concerning the same topic I still would have a (for me) too advanced question: how to automatize that? I mean half-automatically, when I'm online through my dial-up (I use Kinternet to connect); or I ride our LAN, how to setup the script you corrected to run_once_ after the connection was made, or the net-cable was attached?!
here is a perl script written for isdn, but dialup works the same:
edited /etc/ppp/ip-up.local to ... if( $t_diff ge $max_diff ){ ...
this will correct the time once a day when connecting.
During the weekend I had time to evaluate your code more carefully, and I'm extremely sorry, but have to send now even a bugfix for it:( You emphasized, that you don't know PERL too much; but I have to correct this for the archive, and for the sake of newbies (similar to me), who like just copy&paste... While running the first script, I realized, that the program _always_ updates the time, and not only once per 24 hours! Checking the code again and again, I found, that in the line I quoted now the usage of 'ge' is not correct. It should be rather '>=', because we compare numbers with PERL, where it really does matter. Thanks again for taking your time, and sending me answers/scripts; and please don't take the above to seriously. -- Best regards, Pelibali