Gang, Going back into the dim dark ages of email, circa 1991, the program POPMail, wonderfully DOS-based, used to quote a message and put you in edit mode AT THE TOP, which is where most people will look first. For example, no matter whether I'm using Evolution, Outlook (yes, I do use it sometimes, to sync with my e740 PDA), or a web-based email system, they ALL stick you at the top of the quoted text. The intelligent thing to do, which seems to be lost on many people, is to then edit out excess quoting (i.e. don't quote a whole 200 line email to just add "I agree", and also to INTELLIGENTLY quote... i.e. if I wish to reply to a certain point in the original email, I would edit all before that point, and place my reply AFTER the quote, thus even allowing the OS-challenged to follow the thread of a conversation. This CRAP about boit top-posting is just that - complete and utter CRAP. My wife sorts her email from the oldest at the top to the newest at the bottom - I do it the other way around so, as soon as I open whatever email program I'm currently using, I see the NEW stuff immediately. Can we PLEASE drop the "top posting is against the RFC's" thread, and just get back to the real purpose of this mailinglist - HELPING EACH OTHER !! Jon