Cliff Sarginson wrote:
You have answered your own questions. Leave them there, for goodness sake what harm are they doing ? They are not taking up space ! Why do people mess so and make things awkward for themselves later.
Well, actually, I was thinking along the lines of keeping things clean and simple... no unneeded entries, etc.
Also, as far as making it so new user directories aren't filled w/ stuff that I don't need, just edit the /etc/skel/ directory, correct?
More to the point add/modify things you need. What is it you want to get rid of ?
Well, like all the config files and config directories that are there by default for applications I don't even have installed. It just seems odd that the SuSE install sets up all this... stuff, in the form of default users and config files for stuff that may never exist on a system. Seems like a good way/place to hide files/accounts that shouldn't be there. But, apparently, it works. Monte