On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Michael Hoeller wrote:
Christopher Mahmood wrote:
* Michael Hoeller (MichaelHoeller@t-online.de) [021203 12:28]:
I want to download some files which are younger than a given date. How can I do this? I only can use the command line. I tried mget but it seems as if you can either download all files or you can compare agains a loacal file to get the updated files from the ftp server
Pretty much every utility is going to compare the remote date to the date of a local file. Disregarding the difficulties of converting date formats and time zones, I'd try using zsh's builtin ftp client in a shell script that parses the date info from the 'zfls -l' output and, if the file is newer than some date, copies it with zfcget. Install zsh and see zshzftpsys(1) for more info.
Thanks for you answer, I forgot one important thing: The machine I have to use for the download is WinNT and I have to use its ftp client. I guess I am down to its commands - am I ? Is there anything I can do with mget?
I don't know anything about mget, but perhaps Christopher's advice can be of use to you anyway. If you install Cygwin, you can have zsh on Windows. Go to http://cygwin.com/ for more info. Regards Ole