Hi Folks, As usual, I was playing around with my basic 6.0 SuSE installation and I typed shutdown (as root) from an xterm window while KDE was running. During the list of shutdown messages, I saw a new one- hutdown service at daemon: killproc: Empty PID file /var/run/atd.pid for /usr/sbin/atd failed I understand that the AT daemon is something like cron but only runs at start-up. My question is - What is supposed to be in the file? and how can I correct it? I am not certain this next is related, but... I have another problem that started at the same time. No matter what user logs on, when KDE starts you can select all the items in the menus, but no command or program is executed nor is there any error message (like no permission etc). The only exception is when I log on as root. Then, everything works as it is supposed to work. Once again thanks, Rod p.s. in a few decades, and after I have gained some skill at Linux, I promise I won't bug you guys with stupid questions and I may even be able to answer a few.