Hello, What about use jigdo?. http://atterer.net/jigdo/ I will explain: If I get the two Gold version r5 DVD (used in QA by SuSE) and the SHIPPED r9 DVD, then I can make jigdo files to generate the single layer r5 DVD from the contents of r9 DVD with very few effort. One should follow the following passes: 1) Install jigdo rpm. I built it, and I'm using it for debian iso files since many months ago . They are in directories: ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/suser-gbv/rpms 2) Mount the SHIPPED SuSE DVD iso as example in /media/dvd 3) Run the jigdo-lite script. 3a) It will download the jigdo file. 3b) Then it will ask you where you've mounted the SuSE DVD. 3c) It will download the 'template' file 4c) Finally, jigdo-lite will reuse most of the files in Shipped SuSE DVD to build two new iso files, the DVD r5 files. IMPORTANT: I don't know if it is legal to publish these jigdo files. Note that it would contain only the structure of DVD and perhaps some file in DVD5 different from DVD9. It is assumed that not any rpm package will be released, because it is supossed that the user of jigdo owns the SuSE shipped DVD. SuSE, any sugestion?. You even could release jigdo files with the future 'FTP version'. The user the can choice to install from the net, or build the DVD/CD from the rpm packages in mirrors. Guillermo PD. I don't have DVD5 dvds but I know they exist. ;-) El Viernes, 27 de Mayo de 2005 14:22, Laurent Renard escribió:
Who's got the exact way to remaster the R9 DVD to R5 ?
Thank you.
ps : i did have the 9.2 version script ... -- Laurent Renard
-- Guillermo Ballester Valor gbv@oxixares.com Ogijares, Granada SPAIN Linux user #117181. See http://counter.li.org/ Public GPG KEY http://www.oxixares.com/~gbv/pubgpg.html