Hy people i have a question!, what i have right now is: internet----------------------apache-reverse-proxy----------SPS servers | | AD free domain the proxy has authtype basic and looks for the user with ldap in and windows AD domain, what i need now is that the reverse proxy can validate users from several domains not only 1 as it does now, does anybody now how you can make the auth_ldap mod connect to several AD servers to validate a user? So i could have something like: AD second domain | | internet----------------------apache-reverse-proxy----------SPS servers | | | | AD free domain | AD third domain the reverse proxy has this proxy configuration: AuthAuthoritative Off AuthName "Staff only" AuthType Basic LDAP_Debug On LDAP_Server 172. LDAP_Port 389 Base_DN "" Bind_DN "" Bind_Pass "" UID_Attr cn require valid-user </Proxy>