Maura Edelweiss Monville wrote:
In spite of recent improvement I still prefer StarOffice to OpenOffice because it provides a wider math and technical symbol set . Does anyone know whether it is still available for free to students and where the version for SuSE 9.0 can be found ? Thank you.
Sun has an educational licence that makes SO free for educational institutions. The catch might be getting a copy of the CD. Try asking a few likely people. The chances are someone has a copy you can use. The standard Sun version installs just fine, though there may still be the odd issue getting it into SuSE's KDE menu. It integates itself into KDE ok. -- JDL Non enim propter gloriam, diuicias aut honores pugnamus set propter libertatem solummodo quam Nemo bonus nisi simul cum vita amittit.