Graham Anderson wrote:
Shriramana Sharma wrote:
I have the SUSE 10 DVD that I downloaded still on my HDD as /home/samjnaa/SUSE-10.0-DVD-i386-GM.iso. I want this iso to be mounted to /mnt/suse10dvd by default on system startup. I tried entering the following fstab entry but it does not work:
/home/samjnaa/SUSE-10.0-DVD-i386-GM.iso /mnt/suse10dvd auto default 0 0
Please tell me what I must correct.
/home/samjnaa/SUSE-10.0-DVD-i386-GM.iso /mnt/suse10dvd iso9660 ro,loop 0 0
Should work a charm...
Or, even better IMO, configure autofs to mount it on request. Autofs makes even better sense with CD images as when you're mounting a succession of ISO images you can quickly use up your eight (by defulat) loop devices. Another choice is to read and adapt the instructions for creating a repository for a network isntall.