On 29/05/06 09:34, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 20:33 +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
I don't give a toss about your "interconnecting enterprises".
Context, context, context ... it's everything. If I am wrong, please point out where SuSE -- or even Fedora -- based distros enable IPv6 for the Internet?
Once more, Bryan, please stop to read what is being said, before you type. Clearly ipv6 *is* enabled for the external interface, or we would not even be having this discussion. There would not have been a problem in the first place. As for your "context, context, context", yes -- it *is* everything. And the context of this thread *originally* was, here is a problem that involves use of the internet. Nobody mentioned connectivity in an internal network, until *you* raised it.
I meant 100% _internal_. Because 100% of what I talked about was _internal_. Because SuSE Linux's IPv6 default is 100% _internal_.
From the "root cause" for IPv6 issues in SuSE Linux, to what IPv6 is enabled for in SuSE Linux.
If 90+% of people _disagree_ with what I say, I'll _continue_ to try to educate them on why they are missing my _technical_ points. 90+% of the participants of this list do not even understand your technical points, and even if they did, your technical points would be wholly irrelevant to resolving the problems this thread addresses. You are writing for a presumed audience of software engineers, rather than
Then *why* is anyone having a problem at all? The fact is, unless the user does something about it, by default you *do* get a linklocal ipv6 address on the external interface, as a result of which certain applications assume that ipv6 is fully configured, and thus try to use it. Result: a lengthy wait until timeout, if indeed the application times out at all. the general public, and even then you are discussing matters not germane to the problem which is raised. As for your contributions to the thread, you have been wrong on two major points: first, that this is a name resolution issue of any kind -- it is not; and second, that SuSE's ipv6 implementation is on internal interfaces only -- it is not. These are, of course, merely minor matters when they stand next to the lofty ideals of the rest of your posts. However, to the average SuSE user, they are show stoppers, and what you say beyond all this is totally irrelevant.