1 Nov
1 Nov
in 9.3 my keyboard worked fine. Now in 10.0 the numeric keypad doesn't function and I have to use the number keys over the regular keys, and the += key, with CTRL and SHFT to navigate the messages in kmail. in 9.3 the hardware said I had an: AT Translated Set 2 Keyboard Identifier 262145 Vendor Identifier 262673 ykbmodel: pc104 I have a DELL Dimension system with a SK-8100 keyboard. In YaST I see an sk7100, but not an sk8100, and I have tried: DELL DELL-101 Generic -104 I'm beginning to get a little UPSET. This has worked so well for 3 versions of SUSE, why did it break NOW??? -- Paul Cartwright Registered Linux user # 367800 X-Request-PGP: http://home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-pcartwright/key.asc