On Sat, 30 Apr 2005, Randall R Schulz wrote:
On Saturday 30 April 2005 11:53, Anders Johansson wrote:
On Saturday 30 April 2005 19:36, Randall R Schulz wrote:
I have gotten the impression that nVidia has the best driver support, though one must manually install the nVidia-supplied driver since they don't allow Linux vendors to include this driver in their distributions.
This is incorrect, and has been discussed on this list before
So why the oft-repeated instruction to go through an extra nVidia-specific driver installation step?
Because the nv driver distributed with SuSE is "hack" that doesn't fully support nVidia chipsets and graphics adapters. The nVidia drivers support all of their products and all of the features. Merton Campbell Crockett -- BEGIN: vcard VERSION: 3.0 FN: Merton Campbell Crockett ORG: General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems; Intelligence and Exploitation Systems N: Crockett;Merton;Campbell EMAIL;TYPE=internet: mcc@CATO.GD-AIS.COM TEL;TYPE=work,voice,msg,pref: +1(805)497-5045 TEL;TYPE=work,fax: +1(805)497-5050 TEL;TYPE=cell,voice,msg: +1(805)377-6762 END: vcard