Hi All, I just installed suse and am trying to get mutt to work in color. The version installed with the install is against curses and when I use an xterm window I get just back and white and if I use rxvt it crashes saying there is a problem with xterm-color. I cannot even find xterm-color to install it. I also cannot find a slang library anywhere but I presume there is one since slrn is installed. If anyone who uses mutt with suse can give me a hand I would appreciate it. Thanks Alot. ps. I am also having troulbe installing my AccelX V4.0 and applix 4.3.7 from redhat on my system . The install scripts keep crashing. Rick Knebel rknebel@csrlink.net -- To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e