Duff Mckagan wrote:
On 10/26/06, Joachim Schrod <jschrod@acm.org> wrote:
On 10.0, I have problems with the installation of the Packman keys.
The vendor and release attributes of some keys are different than expected with the RPMDB declaration in the /usr/lib/rpm/gnupg/*.asc files. Then apt4rpm tried to import them every time anew and aborted at the first error. The error is mentioned durign apt-get upgrade.
I repaired the problem locally by patching the *.asc files. I always wanted to trace that problem, but didn't have the time to invest -- I mentioned it on the packman list, but there the rpmkeys maintainer cannot reproduce my situation.
Just in case that you stumble over this error yourself.
What is the error that you got exactly?
That "apt install rpmkey-packman" does not import all keys from that package. When one runs "apt upgrade", it tells that it detects that, tries to import it again, fails, and aborts at the first failure. Of course, when a package is signed with one of the missing keys, apt bails out when you want to install or update that package. One can then import the missing GPG keys (preferable) or use --no-checksig with apt. Btw, the technical observation of my problem is fully described in the second paragraph cited above.
I ran apt-get dist-upgrade decently and ran into a horde of problems.
I doubt that this has something to do with it. It doesn't disturb any other installation besides those where the GPG keys are missing.
Well..I will be glad to know how can we patch .asc files?
One -- checks with rpm -qa 'gpg-pubkey*' which keys are imported and compares them to the IDs in the *.asc files. (RPMDB declaration in the first line.) -- imports missing *.asc files and checks if they have been really imported with the expected name. -- If not, one does a grep on the imported keys with the release attribute; if one finds that, the vendor attribute in the RPMDB declaration is probably inconsistent -- patches the vendor attribute in the problematic *.asc files. But as I wrote, this GPG keys issue is very unlikely to cause your problems. Joachim -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Joachim Schrod Email: jschrod@acm.org Roedermark, Germany