On Monday 01 December 2003 06:04 pm, Tom Nielsen wrote:
I've been running rsync via kcron with the -v tag to get a list of what is copied, but I can't find the log.
~ if you command <crontab -e> , then, you can edit the crontab and instruct that messages are sent to root or your personal email in-box see: man crontab and locate crontab[5] which may be a .GZ file you can easily read using MidnightCommander <mc> . ................................... alternatively : use <rdiff-backup> which is set up to mail output :- Re: [SLE] Backup tools Date: Sat Nov 29 19:07:53 2003 From: Benjamin Arai <benjamin@araisoft.com> (Araisoft Corp.) "Flat out the best backup tool is a app called rdiff-backup. Its simple to use and can even backup through ssh for remote incremental backups. The program is free and works on just about every linux distro out there. Just google rdiff-backup on google.com." ............................................................. best wishes ____________ sent on Linux ____________