28 Feb
28 Feb
The 03.02.27 at 08:30, Prabu Subroto wrote:
Dear Stefan...
I didn't find "updatedb" in my cron file (/var/spool/cron/tabs).
I want to disable it. Where should I do it from ?
It is in "/etc/cron.daily/updatedb". However, disabling it is very easy: edit the file "/etc/sysconfig/locate" and change the line: RUN_UPDATEDB="yes" to "no", and that's it. By the way, updatedb - in my case - uses very little CPU, but a lot the disk. The bottleneck is the HD. And, it is not the only cron task that uses fdisk, there are some security and backup scripts that do that as well. When that happens, what I do is renice the task once or twice. -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson