Patrick Shanahan <paka@opensuse.org> írta:
* Istvan Gabor <suseuser04@freemail.hu> [01-01-70 12:34]:
Istvan Gabor <suseuser04@freemail.hu> írta:
I used audacity to record sound onto the hard disk from my soundcard.
Despite of plenty of free hard disk space audacity stopped recording at 125 minutes.
Can I record longer sound sample than 15 minutes? How?
15 minutes was atypo. Can I record record more than 125 minutes?
Patrick, jdd: Thanks for the link above. I did not look at it before. Before I started to record, I set "Temporary files directory" in the preferences to the partition with enough free space (I don't dare to say plenty, as 5-10 GBs is not plenty nowadays). At the beginning of recording audacity reported ~7 hours remaining recording time. I was not there when audacity stopped recording. I don't know what made audacity finish recording, I just noticed afterwards that the recording was interrupted prematurely. Other applications (web browser, streaming application) were still running OK. There is one thing I found strange during recording: top showed xorg's CPU usage the highest, ~36% (old sytsem), firefox and firefox plugin both ~20%, and pulseaudio ~15%. I guess xorg's high cpu usage might be explained by drawing the waveform in audacity (?). Is there a way to turn it off, that is make recording without showing it? I also find pulseaudio's 15% high, especially that I turned of all pulsaudio related gui (pavucontrol). Just for completeness, I use openSUSE 12.2 with KDE 3.5.10. Istvan -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse+owner@opensuse.org