On 8/6/21 12:19 AM, Douglas McGarrett wrote:
On 2021-08-05 10:10 p.m., Douglas McGarrett wrote:
This was probably a reasonable approach for the commercial office use it was refurbed from. It is designed to keep a user from messing with the way the computer performed. /snip/ I'm still somewhat less than happy with this Dell, and I've always
On 8/5/21 11:17 PM, James Knott wrote: like the brand, as some of you out there also do. But the setup routine with the secret password DOES exist, and I am going to take some photos of the screen with those items and post them here, assuming the camera interface works.
file:///run/media/doug/A820-C5B6/DCIM/100_PANA/dell 6 aug 3.jpg file:///run/media/doug/A820-C5B6/DCIM/100_PANA/dell 6 aug 4.jpg file:///run/media/doug/A820-C5B6/DCIM/100_PANA/P1000371.JPG