No. It is about being a monopoly and using that to your advantage to undermine the competition and put them out of business. If MS HAD to compete on an even play field they would go out of business. MickeySoft began by being the underdog ... it got here by shrews buisness management, plain and simple. And I don't see the workings of EU as in "leveling the playing field". For what? For Unix? man, have you taken a look at those old licenses? For CPM? Perhaps, for the Green Desktop (Atari). MS offered a competent product, at low prices compared to the competition (Unix) ... it offered the ability to do Word Processing and Spreadsheets, with ease ... something anyone who used the old Unices, knows wasn't that simple. That doesn't mean MickeySoft doesn't use their "being ahead" to
If they want to market a media player let them sell it as a separate product in the stores like everyone else. Hell it would only create another revenue stream would it not! The problem is, their competing product is not as good yet they want to force it on the consumer. A couple of years ago, it was the Internet Explorer ... now we got Konqueror :-) and this time around, it's Windows Media player ... point is, isn't it the choice of the user, what he wants? Why should the average user be forced to go out and buy a separate program to play junk music? The average user doesn't have ears for quality, if he did he'd buy some serious music software ... why "force" the user to buy music software separate. Because it makes revenue for the music software producer ... and he feels,
And it has been found that MOST people will not install something that is all ready installed on the PC. Because most people don't have the need for it ... if you need to browse, as I do ... you'll install Firefox or Mozilla instead of the crummy IE. Just
Þann Þriðjudagur 25 janúar 2005 22:33 skrifaði Ken Schneider: their advantage ... but hey, it's not their buisness to give handouts. The only real competitor to MickeySoft was Apple, and they've been way way too expensive to get market share ... that was their choice. The way I see it, 60% (perhaps more) of the lame duck comments on MickeySoft is just plain lame. Not all ... but alot of it. that Windows having it built-in, removes his profitability. Well, tell you what ... the ability to play music with the built-in software in the computer has been around since ... what ... C= 64? ... :-) So, windows isn't providing anything new ... they're just doing it better. the "tabs" makes it worth while, not to mention the more cleaner stylesheet presentation. And why not make a deal with the stores to bundle this software? like MickeySoft did ... the laws to "ban" that, isn't to the advantage of the underdog, it's to the advantage of MickeySoft. With the ban, the stores will only get known OS's like MickeySoft, because otherwise they might jeapordize their product. The average user, is looking for MickeySoft ... plain and simple, so unless MickeySoft is making some "clause" that states that any other software than MickeySoft, bundled with the computer will void the contract, than anyone else can play the same game MickeySoft did ... and if they "did" that (voided the OEM license), it would be illegal in any country and the company who got "screwd" because of it, would have the opportunity to sue MickeySoft for damages ... woo haa $$$ :-) And if you got ears for music, like my older brother does (I don't, just to make that clear) ... you'll do like he does, and get "good quality" software to play music, and dump WIndows Media player. The average user, is merely guys like myself who don't got much money, and absolutely no need for quality, who feel Windows is already way too expensive as it is. After all, I feel it's the user who choses ... not the EU. A lot of rules and bans from the EU, or an organ like the Film industry that say i can't record what I see or hear, because it's copyrighted by an alien on mars. Is not merely lame ... it borders on being "dictation", as in "dictatorship". And whenever the tune of "dictatorship" rings in my ears ... it just brings out the rebel in me. :-) I think it's something inherent in my genes. :-)
But now we are getting way OT here.
Yeah, I know, I marked the trheat OT.
-- Ken Schneider UNIX since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE since 1998
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"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners." -Ernst Jan Plugge