27 Apr
27 Apr
joe lerch <jl@dejazzd.com> [ Wed, 24 Apr 2002 17:57:01 -0400]:
As I did with previous version that worked ok using YaST1, I copied all the cds into th esame directory using cp * /hda11/suse8.0 -Rv
You have to copy the CDs into separate directories named CD1, CD2 etc. *and* you have to use 'cp -a' to really get everything you need copied. Create directories: for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do mkdir -p /hda11/suse8.0/CD$1 done And then for each CD mount /dev/cdrom /mnt cd /mnt cp -a . /hda11/CD1 cd / umount /dev/cdrom of course changing CD1 to match the CD you're copying. Philipp