Ok. I have really big issue. I had an Asus A7V that had a Promise IDE raid controller on it. I had both my hard drives on it and the CDROM's on the regular ATA controller. I've switched to a P4PE board that doesn't have a Promise or any other raid controller on it. I think my /dev/ directory is frelled up because I can't set dma mode to either hda or hdb because the devices are configured as if they were cdrom's and not hd's. I say this because of this.. Where the first hd is now: brw-rw---- 1 root disk 3, 0 Apr 12 2002 /dev/hda Where the first hd was: brw-rw---- 1 root disk 33, 0 Apr 12 2002 /dev/hde Notice that hda has a 3, and hde has the 33, in the lines above. I think I need to remake (if that's the correct term) the devices hda and hdb so that I can enable DMA mode. Not using DMA mode is frelling painful..oh God is it painful. So if anyone can help a poor dumbass out and help me fix this. I would be eternally grateful. Thanks to anyone who can help. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org Tell me what you believe.. I'll tell you what you should see.