On 2/17/23 04:44, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 2023-02-17 07:37, David C. Rankin wrote:
Yes, the more I hear about it, the less I like it.
I will have to test other distros soon, and prepare for a migration. Ubuntu, Mageia... I never thought I would be doing this. :-/
Just for grins I was looking at: Not a Systemd Fan? Here are 14 Systemd-Free Linux Distributions https://itsfoss.com/systemd-free-distros/ I don't mind systemd at all, don't really care which init I use, though I was always fond of sysVinit. I hold out hope that SUSE will see the wisdom in preserving the community it has built over the past 25 years, but it has been clear for some time that openSUSE, while no longer the testbed that feeds into the enterprise offering, is now something it no longer values. Yes tumbleweed will be there, but it's not a "Release" it's just a "Rolling Release". Now I'll admit, the distinction from a stability standpoint has basically evaporated, but the one aspect that remains is a core-library version update that breaks or renders a package, group of packages or hardware you rely on obsolete. The panic over the glibc 2.36 -> 2.37 tls scare for the Nvidia G04 driver (390.XX) is one recent example. Thankfully there was an easy workaround (and to Nvidia's credit, while undocumented, they appear to have include tls versions for both) But with a rolling release, sometimes things don't go that way. That is why, for servers, or just a stable desktop for your given hardware, the 2 year release model was reliable (and yes, we grumble a bit about the dated nature of packages in a "stable-release", but stable and "bleeding-edge" serve different purposes) Here is to hope that the community means something to SUSE and we see stable releases of Leap for hears to come. We will know soon enough. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.