On Sun, Jun 28, 1998 at 12:42:45AM +0200, Wolfgang Weisselberg wrote:
Trying to kill the keyboard, hlarons@mail.comcat.com produced:
Communications by Mutt 0.89
Aehm, what have you done to poor mutt? Not only you produce 2 X-Mailer: Mutt 0.89.1 lines in the header, but you have neither a "References:" nor an "In-Reply-To:" line in your header.
I appreciate the feedback from "the real world." To answer your ?s: * I have no idea why the dup X-Mailer headers appear. I'll check .muttrc again. * I nulled the References and I-R-T headers intentionally. What do they really add? Who actually looks at/uses them? This isn't a smart-ass answer; if there's a good reason for them to be there, I'll put them back. * Mutt 0.89 seems OK to me. What does 0.91 offer? I follow Welsh and Kaufman's advice ("Running Linux") about not upgrading when something works.
(and you haven't upgraded to 0.91.1(i), either :-)
* Mutt 0.89 seems OK to me. What does 0.91 offer? I follow Welsh and Kaufman's advice ("Running Linux") about not upgrading when something works.
Howard Arons -- Powered by SuSE Linux 5.2 -- kernel 2.0.33 Communications by Mutt 0.89 - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e