David, et al -- ...and then David C. Rankin said... % % Having just lived though this example where my office was lost, offsite % backups are critical. Ouch! Bummer :-( % ... % problem. Sticking another Linux box at one of my kids houses may be an % option there - I'd just have to work with the dyn-ip issue and potential % port blocking for non-business accounts. [snip] This. Something small like a Pi, or any old PC, that has enough USB ports will get ya done (as far as offsite mirroring goes). Yes, it's only for loss-of-media scenarios and not accidental deletion or uncaught ransomware or other GIGO errors, but it meets that need well. And until we're all on IPv6 ;-) and able to directly address, giving that Pi a port through the firewall to connect will get you access. The nice thing is that the little computer takes up only one more outlet than the portable drive(s) and could even be on WiFi and not need a wired connection, so it can tuck just about anywhere. As mentioned, after the initial data load, updates are usually small enough to survive bandwidth bottlenecks. I have the main server at our homestead, a backup server at the hangar where most of the camera footage is generated, and another backup server at the rental house. My real goal is someday to have all locations on the same virtual network so that I can hit print "here" and have it pop out "there", but for now NAT and bastion hosts get it done. I'm always interested in additional and smarter ways, too. Good luck! :-D -- David T-G See http://justpickone.org/davidtg/email/ See http://justpickone.org/davidtg/tofu.txt