The idea is to post strictly support related questions to the support mail list, while this list is generic.
Well, sgrat sgrat...ok, I'll try to keep it in mind So sorry I should have said hello here and posted the question there. But I should have said first hello also there So this remains somehow unclear :)
Don't worry, it is mostly irrelevant, IMHO. :-D
But I understand it confuses newcomers.
What exactly is the difference between a "users" list and a "support" list? What subject(s) are common from "users" that don't constitute the subject of either another list, or support? The existence of both where many exist creates confusion. The changeover of list servers should have consolidated the two. -- Evolution as taught in public schools, like religion, is based on faith, not on science. Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks! Felix Miata ***