Patrick, Here's where you appeared to 'jump the gun' Mr. 'Quick on the trigger' :-)
You *probably* have a Documents *file* in your path. I do not and I do get the trailing "/".
See? You suggested the OP "probably" had a "Documents *file*" in his path (your words and emphasis.) I subsequently suggest to / remind the OP to try 'tapping tab twice' to display the available completion options:
Tapping 'tab' twice should display the available completion options, i.e. 'Documents/', 'Documents-Business/', 'Documents-Personal/' and so on,
Here you misinterpret my suggestion to mean I'd misunderstood the OP's post:
Yes, but the OP did not indicate that action was attempted. In the above, "Documents" *would* be the first offer.
Yes, it would. Which is precisely why I suggested it and supplied those specific (germane) examples. :-)
It isn't possible to have both a directory 'Documents' and file 'Documents' residing in the same directory.
Correct! I feel better now that we're back in sync! regards, Carl -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: