On Mon, 2002-04-01 at 06:49, Glenn Holmer wrote:
I was at JavaOne where Sharp sold off all the rest of the developer versions of the Zaurus. Believe me, people were going NUTS over this device. People skipped sessions to stand in line for over an hour to get it at the discounted price. They sold off every last one.
Arf 8) I been there too - got second device (used to order one via my company to do some development few weeks prior to JavaOne) in one of those lines. Was relatively painless to me - only 15 mins. On other hand - my friend spend 2.5 hrs staying in bloody line in first day 8) Point is - each year there is some gadget on sale at JavaOne that i saw - dirt cheap Palms on 99, Blackbery's on 00 (those werent cheaper at all), Zaurus'es on 02 . Developers trying to attract attention to new toys, plus dump stock of developer's versions of gadgets. I hope zaurus will not fall in same pit as previous two devices - i.e it actually will evolve and support more and more stuff and devices 8) =========== Now i am getting wandered if someone managed to get it work ok with SuSE 2.4.18 kernel on Soltek's motherboard (and where the heck mantel's kernels anyway for past week - directory is deserted. Gone in production for 8.0 ?) Patch for Zauruses for 2.4.18 isnt quite applying to SuSe's 2.4.18 8( And even after patching Makefile by hands - usbdnet still seems not quite loaded... 8( USB seems to work though.. (as in - mouse and kbd are on usb) Cheers, Sergei