Yep. It stinks. I think it's disgusting that YOU downloads every frigging patch file even when it already has local copies stored. I didn't know that there was a command-line version of YOU. I've personally started mirroring the entire update directory on my LAN. It's a waste of bandwidth for the packages I don't use, but at least it means that I don't keep downloading the same frigging files out of the patches directory. (92 of them right now). As you may know, TCP takes a bit of time to set up and tear down each connection. 92 files means 92 setups and tear-downs, just in order to find out that nothing has changed. In lossy conditions this can be hellish. At least wget just pulls down the listing (one setup/teardown) and then only retrieves the files that appear to have changed. New patches are tagged with a new version number -- e.g., mod_php4-aolserver-148 or you-5, so we really shouldn't have to download the old ones to make sure they haven't changed, and it's agonizing when the network is slow. It would also be really nice if machines sharing a networked filesystem could easily maintain a common cache, where not only the patch descriptions but the packages too are kept after download. This would probably cut down a bit on SuSE's bandwidth expenses too (hint, hint). Unless SuSE has one in the works, maybe I should write one and give it to them. Would someone from SuSE let me know if you would actually appreciate it and make use of it? --Steve Augart Quinton Delpeche wrote:
NO you are not doing anything wrong.
AFAIK, everytime you connect to YOU, it will download the entire list of pathces available and then check the list against your installed packages.
Once it has done this it will then download the packages that need to be downloaded.
There are constantly updates to packages and sometimes packages can get 3 or more updates to them.
You can try and check the command line version of YOU and see if there are any options that may be useful to your situation.
Hope this helps Q
On Friday 25 January 2002 04:00, anbalagan wrote:
Hi, I used Yast2 to do online update . First it retrieves a bunch of list of pkgs, and I've updated some . But whenever I try to do a on line update again again I get the whole bunch of list, eventhough I've updated many pkgs. this takes up a lot of time in a dialup. Is there a way to stop getting the whole bunch of lists. THe other problem is I dont know which one was lately updated. Maybe sometimes I'm doing a same update again and again. Can anyone help me how to sort out the updates. Lately I'm using SuSE7.3 and KDE2.2.2