On 2016-01-11 12:14, Oliver Kurz wrote:
On Monday 11 January 2016 13:11:43 George Olson wrote:
[…] I am interested in knowing 2 things about the new way of doing it in Leap.
1 - what is the name of the program/application/daemon that is running the software updates reminder that keeps popping up in my system tray? Apper is not installed on my new system, and I was not able to figure it out
It might help if you tell what environment you are using. I assume you are using a desktop environment, probably gnome or KDE?
This is very important information, because what is the "program/application/daemon" depends on what is the desktop used.
2 - What does everyone thinkabout the new software updates management tool? Should I get rid of it and go back to my old practice? (thatis what I intend to do unless there are good reasons not to) Do people like it? Are the updates better now that Leap is a more stable system?
What exactly do you mean with "better"? In Leap you can at least assume there won't be big changes breaking stuff so might even want to enable auto-updates, e.g. only for the "security" category. See the yast module on this.
Mmm. I would expect the "official updates" to be of the same quality as ever. However, not all updates fall in that category; ie, not all are "patches". Ie, not all come from the "update" repo, but come as updates inside extra repos. In those you can well assume as big changes as ever. Or as small :-) Me, in my test systems I do as always, use yast or zypper, no change. I take the tray gadget as an announcer only. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 13.1 x86_64 "Bottle" at Telcontar)