My experience of Linux is that when it crashes this hard it's probably a hardware or hardware config error. My system used to crash intermittently and it turned out to be a wrongly configured (at the kernel level) sound card. To track down your problem, upgrade to the latest kernel (2.2.13), and recompile it without network, sound, or whatever else you normally use. Physically remove what you can from the machine. See if the problem goes away. If it does start reintroducing things until the problem comes back. If a very basic system fails it could be your graphics card. Can you borrow one for an hour or two? If not, buy the cheapest old 512K Cirrus Logic PCI card you can find. I keep a spare one and they cost about 10GBP (16$US). Then see if the problem goes away. Plus you can check the basic stuff. Is your CPU cooled adequately? (Open the case and point a desk fan into it!) Is your memory or any PCI card loose? Chances are the problem will be hardware or low level config based, rather than Linux itself.
-->My desktop also freezes (6.2) when I use <alt><tab> to change windows, -->sometimes. <ctl><alt>x seems to bring it back.
Thanks Jim
But nothing works for me... Not <ctrl><alt>x or <ctrl><alt>F1-F6 or <ctrl><alt><backspace> or <ctrl><alt><delete> it's rock solid.
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