Once again, I'm at the mercy of OSS sounddriver issues. (Alas, the OSS drivers are necessary for me to use my Ensonique PCI soundcard.) I downloaded the most recent version of the drivers (OSS.391a I believe), and, after configuring, was told that I had an IRQ conflict with my Riva 128 graphics card. This IRQ conflict causes the system to hang when launching X. I've experienced this problem before. Basically, it's a black screen with no response to keyboard input. OSS's advice is to: "use BIOS PCI/PnP setup to allocate a private IRQ for Riva 128. Your shared IRQ is '9'." Does anybody have a clue as to how to allocate a private IRQ to the card? Hubert, Lenz, Bodo, S.u.S.E.'ers, anybody?? Whew. I've struggled with OSS for longer than I care to remember. I had it working off a beta for a while, but the timestamp *expired*, and none of the later releases have liked my setup. -- Glenn -- - To get out of this list, please send email to majordomo@suse.com with this text in its body: unsubscribe suse-linux-e