the problem is in the sendmail configuration. edit /etc/ look for the string "YAST_ASK" and erase it (only the string). by erasing it you are telling sendmail not to masqarade your domain (as YAST_ASK), or you can replace "YAST_ASK" for "". after that run 'rcsendmail restart' and done! another thing you must do is edit /etc/rc.config.d/sendmail.(i dont remember, but is the only file that starts with sendmail) there you have an option to disable SuSEconfig to remake your (if you don't disable it, the next time that is run SuSEconfig will undo the changes). Augusto. At 11:08 p.m. 02/06/01 +0000, you wrote:
I'm running SuSE-6.3 over kernel version 2.4.1.
When sending a test message to my own address, using "Pine" or "Mutt", the "From:" line in the message received reads "robin@YAST_ASK", rather than "", even though this user domain is configured in both programs.
I'll be grateful for any information about why this happens and how I can ensure that all messages sent show my correct address in the "From:" line.
-- Robin Cosby
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