On Sun, Sep 4, 2022 at 10:36 AM Per Jessen <per@computer.org> wrote:
We have about 100 servers (80 are Supermicro) downstairs, not one is x86-64-v3 - only my fairly recent Lenovo laptop does x86-64-v3.
i am not very happy with this detection of x86 abi levels of the various tools and scripts and would like to ask for a really official and robust way of the opensuse leap official binaries or package to detect this because: this other awk script I found long ago at <https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/631217/how-do-i-check-if-my-cpu-supports-x86-64-v2> (stephen kitts awk script, i wonder if its reporting values correctly though, see below...) always (mostly) shows one level lower (older) than the inxi stuff that I just grabbed from the official inxi github place <https://github.com/smxi/inxi> via
wget -O inxi https://github.com/smxi/inxi/raw/master/inxi
and simply chmod a+x ./inxi and running it: ./inxi -Cxxxxxx or similar in the end it matters what opensuse project detect as abi levels even if opensuse detection would be wrong ;) or if other scripts report funny stuff. I am wondering..... inxi mostly gives me one level newer (higher) than the other scripts i found so far. now I am wondering how these detections really work (only looking into /proc/cpuinfo and feature flags there ) or how this inxi stuff works (perl script just as well), but then there is another way on newer linux versions and opensuse factory apparently with that one other libclibraryxxxxx.so or similar and some parameter to is, but this ofcourse how could it be otherwise, does not work with even the most current leap 15.4 as it ships ancient stuff :( ty