On 2022-06-04 12:34, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 2022-06-01 06:48, Darryl Gregorash wrote:
Somewhat off point here and FWIW: After your first message arrived, I did some poking around on opensuse.org, and found a page (can't recall where, and not about to go looking for it again) that says SLE15 will be in support until 2028. If true, that means at least 4 more openSUSE minor releases before we see oS16.0 sometime around mid-2028.
No, whatever is the last Sp release of SLE 15, it will be maintained till 2028, but meanwhile SLE 16 should be released before that year (I don't know when, maybe 4 or 5 years before that).
Of course, 5 years before 2028 is next year, but there is no official announcement I am aware of that SLE 16 is even in the planning stage. If you go to the Roadmap on o.o, you'll see that SLE 15 SP7 (I think maybe that should read SP5) has already been confirmed, and the draft schedule for oS 15.5 is out. That means no SLE16 before 2024 at the absolute earliest -- but if SLE does indeed intend to go as far as SP7, you can push that date out another 3 years, and that means SLE16 would be in development starting in 2027 at the earliest.