Hi, I have finally worked up the courage to try 10.1 again. I have done a clean install. Of course the "Software Updater" shows there is no updates available, so I started YOU. There was some updates, so I installed them. I rebooted, and voila, the Software Updater now shows 66 updates available. I open the window, click the update button, and ... : Unresolved dependencies: Updating patch:libzypp-1839-0.noarch[System packages] to patch:libzypp-1533-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] Updating patch:libzypp-1839-0.noarch[System packages] to patch:libzypp-1839-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] script:libzypp-patch-zmdrestart.sh-2-1533-1.noarch[System packages] needed by patch:libzypp-1533-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] Updating script:libzypp-patch-zmdrestart.sh-2-1533-1.noarch[System packages] to script:libzypp-patch-zmdrestart.sh-2-1533-1.noarch[System packages] script:libzypp-patch-zmdrestart.sh-2-1533-1.noarch[System packages] is scheduled to be installed, but this is not possible because of dependency problems. Establishing script:libzypp-patch-zmdrestart.sh-2-1533-1.noarch[System packages] ========================= It looks like I already have a newer version. Does YOU use a different default repositry from zmd? Well I deselected libzypp updates, and that seemed to do the trick. Just curious. Thanks Marius