Thom Nuzum wrote:
can't remember where i found this:
1. If there is an existing symbolic link titled 'java' in '/usr/lib',
it by running:
rm /usr/lib/java If not, jsut go to Step 2.
2. To create / recreate the symbolic link to the j2re1.4.1 directory,
ln -s /usr/local/j2re1.4.0 /usr/lib/java
THANKS This hepled greatly after my frustration of having to update to both: j2sdk and j2re in order to run LimeWire Gnutella. One problem though,I did this, but then found nothing after typing "java -version"
First i went to root/etc/sysconfig/java and changed this symbolic link. CREATE_JAVALINK="no"
I then did rm /usr/lib/java ln -s /usr/local/j2re1.4.0 /usr/lib/java
Lastly I had to do the following: 1."export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2re1.4.0.01 2."export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
I somehow missed this thread. I had the same problem trying to run Limewire for a very long time. I tried all the things that were advised in the readme file,upgraded to a new version of java, to no avail, until I realised that Limewire would only work with version 1.3.1, which was installed all right on my SuSE 7.1. This bash file works for me, and is much simpler: #bin bash /usr/lib/jdk1.3.1/bin/java -jar /PATH_TO_LIMEWIRE/LimeWire/LimeWire.jar fx -- ______________________ Courtesy of SuSE Linux