On Monday 04 October 2004 17:58, jcannare1@comcast.net wrote:
Help anyone!! I've just loaded Suse 9.1 pro on an HP laptop. I've got my 100BT (eth0) working but I haven't been able to get my PCMCIA wireless card to work. Yast see the card and knows what it is but I can't get it to connect. I've tried my NetgearWG511 (802.11g), a Netgear WG521 (802.11b) and a Linksys WPC11 (also 802.11b). At least with the Linksys I get a green power light. Any suggestions?? Am I missing a kernel module or subsystem entry??
I use SuSE 9.1 on my desktop, but I am a simple end user, and so I use Linspire on my notebook for wireless. You can get a decent notebook with Linspire on it here, and this store is gnu linux only, no Windows boxes. Also, SuSE will run on their boxes, so they say. I have never tested putting SuSE on their boxes. I just stayed with Linspire: http://www.sub300.com Many people have issues with the fact that Linspire runs in root, but creating a different user account might be easier for you than trying to tweak wireless cards, etc. Plus, Linspire gives you the ability to play commercial DVDs on Linux, etc.