mwafkowski wrote: (a lot of myopic misguided crap...) 1) USA foreign policy has been driven by disastrous, short-sighted self-serving greed; the main media has been cowed into subservient silence. Carter was the last President who cared for the little guy. 2) GWBush has to be the dumbest bullshitter ever to step into the main ring of world politics; lying, bible-toting, moronic bullshitter; son of another dumb, lying, truth-manipulator; was not even elected... 3) Washington DC has misused their armed forces very badly in Vietnam, in Grenada, South America, Somalia, now in Iraq; how long before the media and the parents of dead soldiers realize their children were sacrificed to promote a dumb, greedy, ill-conceived policy from the White House? What happens when you no longer can put the best-eqipped armed forces into the world trouble-spots? Time to wise up; this will surely come to pass in the next few years. Iraqis aren't shooting back because of Sadam; they are fed up with high-handed CIA/USA abuses. 4) The CIA atrocities (in Chechnya, Kosovo, Columbia, Nicaragua, etc) and foreign policy gaffes (try H Kissinger), that led up to the Sep 11 attacks are reaping what was sowed; in two more years when you see $0.40 dollars and the price of gold at $1200, should we expect to have more dumb, patriotic Americans flooding the WWW with threats (wrapped in their flag of course), & more dumb questions as to why this happened to 'us nice people'; why all the gold and jobs & trade profits are now flowing to China, Taiwan, Japan, etc? GWB's gamble is doomed... 5) Gimme a break; you greedy (only some...) assholes break every rule and law (yes, your own too), for some short-term gains and then wonder why world hatred of the USA has reached these regrettable heights. Just look at what you've done to the UN, to Canadian Free Trade in beef and lumber, to black American citizens, to the Oil suppliers, etc. Grow up whiners; see what the rest of us have had to take! Buy a mirror...!