Op vrijdag 1 september 2023 15:41:18 CEST schreef Lew Wolfgang:
On 9/1/23 03:39, Freek de Kruijf wrote:
Please indicate whether you are interested in a script to implement these measures.
Yes! I'd be greatly interested in a SPF/DKIM/DMARC script! I've been procrastinating for years to get this done for myself.
Regards, Lew
On the wiki page https://en.opensuse.org/Mail_server_HOWTO you will find a link to githup where you can find a script to implement such a service. The documentation can be found on githup as well. This script uses the dkim support in amavis. I am working on a script which mimics an enhanced version of the mail module of yast. It configures an enhanced version of /etc/sysconfig/postfix, which is used by /usr/sbin/config.postfix to configure postfix (including SPF checks), amavisd-new, dovecot, opendkim or the dkim support in amavis and opendmarc in case you want to use these services. This is still work in progress. I will publish this work also on githup, but it is still not finished and documentation is the last part of my work on it. -- fr.gr. member openSUSE Freek de Kruijf