-- On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 01:59:28 John wrote:
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 11:31 am, emir limar wrote:
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 09:21:58 Michael Hasenstein wrote:
emir limar wrote:
Well i don't know how they gone do it but based on my observations it has more reputation and all the linux related hardware i attamted to try gives Red Hat as a reference and not other brans. So as an end user I would like to see more specifik and non technical language not all those fancy tech terms etc. I am an end user.
Hey Emin, by saying/titling yourself as "an end user", are you saying you *like* being stuck as the 'I'm too stupid to think for myself or figure things out for myself so I'm going to stick with the M$ way of things' or are you just trying to say you're too lazy and stupid to try and learn anything at all other than 'I play freecell, me like surf web for pron (*pron misspelled purposely), me think computer have pretty lights and funny sounds come from it'?
John Hey John, Do you know who am i? Do you know how i use this computer. Do you know i met the compuer just 6 years ago at the college. And this is my first computer and without knowing anything except as an an user i installed Suse 7.0 Pro by my self after a month i bought this computer. Partitioning, installing, configuring linmodem, and so on so forth. And accusing people playing games wurfing porn pages. Let me tell you one more thing In this six years you cannot find sixty hours of playing on my part. I don't know if you are doing the things you mentioned but i don't. Next time be more careful befor stamping the people you don't know. On the other hand, i just decided to try another flavor. What am i gone lose. Some time and another 40 bucks. Is it too much for a Red Hat set? I bought 3 times Suse and i tried and enjoyed and now it is time to see an other Flavor.How many flavor did you tried befor Suse?
What is wrong by just trying? Finally, keep an earing this for yourself: Two things makes perfect; 1st trial and error 2nd Practice makes perfect there is a third one but it is for those who able to get a lesson from thier MISTAKES. emin
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