On 12/4/23 11:15, James Knott wrote:
I have a Windows 10 VM (previously Windows 7), which has run well in the past several versions of openSuse. However now, when I try to run it, it opens to the point where I have to hit enter to get the password box, but as soon as I do that, the screen briefly shows the login screen and then reverts back to where it was.
Also, I don't see Virtual Box on the taskbar.
Any ideas?
I open Win7/10 Vbox with a direct shortcut to an alias that starts the VM. On major version updates to Virtualbox, I've found times I need to open the virtualbox app and update a setting or two for the VM before it will run. Haven't tried 15.5 yet, but worth check. Also make sure the kernel modules are loaded, e.g. open an x-term and: $ lsmod | grep vbox Then make sure you see the vboxdrv and vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp module loaded. (aside -- while writing this message I cranked Win7 up on 15.4, installed updates and updated guest additions, on restart, Win7 wouldn't start and the autofix tool ran, did whatever, and now it's humming along fine) -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.