On Saturday 29 June 2002 08:57 pm, Kevin L Hochhalter wrote:
Could I ask an even stupider question? Now how do I start the new Gnome since I uninstalled all previous Gnome stuff beforehand and there's no login entry for Gnome2 in the login screen. If I go to Cntrl-Alt F1 at the login screen to my first console and type gnome2 it says it can't connect to the X server.
Try this:
startx /usr/X11R6/bin/gnome2
If I do that it says that the X server is already running, which it is. I guess I need to know what the command is to exit out of X altogether, so I can startx fresh (if that was a pun, please pardon it...) and get into Gnome. So if I'm at the SuSE login screen and Cntrl-Alt-F1 to the first console and login there, which command exits X completely? I swear this is my last question for awhile...no really. :-) -- Bryce Hardy (Santa Rosa, CA) brycehdy@sonic.net