Le 22/09/2024 à 11:54, jdd@dodin.org a écrit :
Le 21/09/2024 à 23:26, Charles Philip Chan a écrit :
For Plasma6, you need to symlink all the kim desktop files in /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus to /usr/share/kio/servicemenus.
no better :-(
the symlink don't works, even coping the entire file don't works either (no menu entry appear in right clic dolphin
iy's probably something there that don't works: [Desktop Entry] Type=Service ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin,image/* Actions=RsizeCustom;Rsize1920;Rsize1600;Rsize1400;Rsize1280;Rsize1024;Rsize800;Rsize600;Rsize300;_SEPARATOR_;Rcprs75;Rcprs80;Rcprs90;RcprsCustom;_SEPARATOR_;WebThumb75120;WebExp75640;WebExp75800;WebExp751024; Encoding=UTF-8 X-KDE-Submenu=Kim - Compress and Resize X-KDE-Submenu[fr]=Kim - Compresser et redimensionner X-KDE-Submenu[de]=Kim: Bildgröße ändern X-KDE-Priority=TopLevel thanks jdd -- https://dodin.org